Sunday, August 5, 2007

Our next big thing

I think it's cool that Michelle started this new blog. We've both missed our old Vegas blog since that awesome trip, and even if we don't have a big, focusing adventure like that was, it'll be nice to have a place to record what's going on.

But in fact we have been talking about a big new adventure, almost ever since that last one ended. Our idea is to take a long, leisurely trip across the country and write a book that's part travelogue and part user's guide to the nation's card rooms. Sort of Blue Highways meets the green felt, or something like that. Blue Highways, Big Deal.

It needs refining, but I like the possibilities in combining two of America's enduring traditions: poker and the road trip. Between us we know enough people in the publishing world that I'm confident we could get someone to look at a proposal. And several friends already have offered to help us refine a proposal when we have one.

So, as Michelle reminds me every morning before heading off to work, it's time to write that up.

1 comment:

freda said...

Cool blog, when you do your "blue highway meets green felt" you will have to include "brown mud". A visit to New Orleans will be a must.