Saturday, September 8, 2007

Table Project Done

The coffee table I bought a few weeks ago on Craigslist is done -- I sanded it and stained it with mahogony stain and shaved about 1.5 inches off the legs to make for more comfortable lounging.

Here's the before (I forgot to take a picture of it before sanding it)

And after:

Mark and the girls are playing Sorry. Dylan's on the stereo. Or Ipod, rather.
We just watched Ever After, Drew Barrymore's update on the Cinderella story.

Did I mention we have 18 baby guppies now? Here's two of them:


Mark said...

The table is quite cool. Michelle did a great job fixing it up, and she scored a nice little writing desk too.

Kate Cohen said...

How nice!

freda said...

good job on the table too. the blog is kind of like a maze, I keep wandering off in differnt directions and finding more stuff.