Saturday, September 22, 2007

What we're doing, update

"Yummy! This smells Good! Fuckity!"
Mark's excited about the sauce. It does smell good.
7:03 p.m.

Incremental Update from Kaye and Val in Long Beach, CA: "Today: Val is patting the dog and preparing his mom's new computer for shipment to New Orleans and Kate is making her tomato sauce from the farmers' market tomatoes that are so yummy this time of year. It smells so good in here!"

There's more to life than this. Or at least that's what Michelle tells me. She went outside to do some gardening. I watched her for a few minutes. It looked like hard work.

I can't believe it's 4 o'clock and none of our faithful readers has sent us a picture of what they're doing today. Surely someone out there owns a cell phone!

My update: The Mariners lead the Angels 3-1 in the 8th.

Come on, people.


freda said...

still no pics, but I also did some gardening. After the movie I changed and planted some irises. I changed into pants and long sleeve shirt and sneakers to keep the mosquitos off but it was so hot I couldn't see for all the sweat in my eyes, so I am back in the house, with my feet up checking your blog.

Kate Cohen said...

Damn, people! check your e-mail already! Love K&V

Mark said...

"I changed into pants and a long sleeve shirt ..."

Now THAT's an incremental update. I love this blog.

Kate Cohen said...

me too

freda said...

me too

freda said...

nice pic by the way

Mark said...

Mmmmm, this sauce smells good.

Michelle said...

man, Kaye, I love the golden quality of your photos. How do you get that? Do you think that's the difference between Nikon and Canon? If so, maybe I should have gone Nikon ...