Sunday, February 17, 2008

'Can't talk. In a tree.'

That was Franny, answering and hanging up her cell phone this afternoon all in one breath. We were hiking around Discovery Park, a big beautiful woods on Magnolia Bluff here in Seattle, and Franny really was climbing a tree, with Gina and Michelle.

"Who was that," Michelle asked.

"One of her five boyfriends," Gina said.

"Lars," Franny said. "And nuh-uh."

Ten seconds later the phone rang again. "Can't talk. In a tree." Snap.

Who was that?

"Nicky Nick."

Oh to be 13 and cool and beautiful.

It was a clear, crisp day, perfect for a walk around the park, which is an abandoned military base, Fort Lawton, with stunning views of Elliott Bay and the Olympic Mountains beyond. We had fun.

It's possible that Franny really doesn't have five boyfriends. Nobody else called.


freda said...

it has been a long time since I did any tree climbing, looks like a perfect tree, beautiful pictures, thanks.

Janice said...

are there magnolias on Magnolia Bluff? Somehow I can't picture it.

Mark said...

Janice, I don't think so. I don't know how that part of Seattle got its name -- probably settled by Herman Magnolia.