Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mutual of Omaha, cont'd

After tracking Michelle's posts about the cruel and beautiful Darwinian realities of her fish tank, I noticed this pretty big (quarter-sized) brown spider outside our kitchen window.

It just sits in that web day after day, and I found myself wondering how long it would be before a meal wandered by, whether this was good web placement, how long your average quarter-sized spider can exist without eating, and like that.

Well, two days ago a Volkswagen made a wrong turn down 40th Avenue Southwest and right into Spidey's trap. OK, maybe it was just a bee or a fly, but it was as big as the spider, and it took most of the day Friday for him to wrap it up. Then yesterday he spent most of the day sucking out the little fly-tomb's innards.

Today, stasis has returned. Just a spider in its web.

Seems we've got an entire ecosystem sprouting around here. Me, I'm about to pounce on this innocent cup of coffee. ...

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