Friday, November 9, 2007

How walkable is your neighborhood?

Here's a cool site that rates your neighborhood by how "walkable" it is. We got 77 points out of 100, which WalkScore calles pretty good. Kaye and Val's neighborhood got an 86! That place rocks. How does your hood rate?


Kate Cohen said...

Hey cool!

Janice said...

Neat, mine ended up at 75

Chris said...

I think Walk Score is a service that can be especially useful for those who are going to buy a house but haven’t chosen the region yet. I ve tried but my score was rather low, about 25. But how often do we walk nowadays? People go by car much more often i think. At it is possible to get your drive score and see how close establishments are by car. I ve tried and this time my results were much better.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. That's really cool.
And thanks to Chris for one more link. I've spent about an hour entering different home addresses and estimating their walkscore and Drivescore.
BTW one may find one more score there - a